
Friday 1 September 2017

Book Creator

Whaea Te Ahua came to our class and showed us how to make a book with book creator. We made where the wild things are. I liked it a little bit because it was a bit hard. I liked the book we made in the end.

My Special person - My Family

My family loves me and my Mum tells me to hop into the bed and we hug each other when I am scared of the spiders in my room and when I'm sad because I miss my nanny because she is in Oz.


We looked at bugs in Mrs Watson's class on her TV. We talked about lots of bugs in the world. I hate bugs. I like butterflies. I learnt that butterflies make an egg and then the caterpillar comes out of the egg. When it is in a cocoon it changes into a butterfly.

Welcome to my Blog

Hi, my name is Manaia.
This is my blog. I'll be talking about my school work. My favourite school work is maths. Math is cool because you get to play prodigy. I like playing on the playground. My favourite game  is busted. IF you go on the ground you are in then you have to chase the kids and they try and get away from you but they're not allowed on the ground unless you don't see them.